Palestras do Projeto “Política Externa, Regionalismo e Cooperação Internacional
- 02/09/2019
No âmbito do projeto CAPES PRINT do PPGCP “Política Externa, Regionalismo e Cooperação Internacional”, no dia 3 de setembro (próxima terça-feira), às 9h, acontecerá a palestra “Política doméstica e política externa: o caso mexicano” com a professora Ana Covarrubias¹ (a palestra será em espanhol).
A seguir, no dia 4 de setembro (próxima quarta-feira), às 16h, acontecerá a palestra “Política externa sul-africana: que relevância das relações China-África do Sul?” com a professora Maxi Schoeman² (a palestra será em inglês). Estão todos convidados a participar.
As duas palestras ocorrerão na sala de aula/auditório do Iesp-Uerj, localizado na Rua da Matriz, 82, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.
¹Ana Covarrubias is professor-researcher at the Centre for International Studies of El Colegio de México. She received her doctorate from Oxford University. She has written on Mexican foreign policy, especially relations with Cuba, and human rights and foreign policy. She teaches International Relations theory, Foreign Policy Analysis, US-Latin American Relations, and US foreign policy. Her more recent publications include “Containing Brazil: Mexico’s responses to the rise of Brazil”, in BLAR, 2015, the Routledge Handbok of Latin America in the World, edited with Jorge Domínguez, 2015, “In search of international influence: Mexico as an entrepreneurial power”, with Jorge Schiavon, in International Journal, 2018, and “México: ¿actor con responsabilidad multilateral?, in Foro Internacional, 2019.
²Maxi Schoeman is a professor of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria where her postgraduate teaching focuses on African Politics and South African foreign policy. She holds a PhD from Aberystwyth and serves on the editorial boards of a number of international journals. She is deputy chair of the board of the Institute of Global Dialogue (IGD), a trustee of the Institute of Security Studies (ISS), a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) and she was the deputy chair of the Council on International Relations (SACOIR) from 2015-2018. Her recent publications include: ‘South Africa and the struggle for international equality’ in Reddy, V and C Soudien (eds), State of the Nation 2017/18 Pretoria: HSRC Press; Strategic Review for Southern Africa 39 (1), May – co-editor of special focus on the South African Nation Brand (2017); ‘South Africa’s symbolic hegemony in Africa’,International Politics, 52, pp. 239-254, co-authored with Chris Alden (2015); and ‘South Africa as an emerging power: from label to status consistency?’, South African Journal of International Affairs 22 (4), pp. 429-445 (2015).
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