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LABMUNDO coordinator attends T20 Brazil side event

On 8 November 2024, the coordinator of LABMUNDO, Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani, took part in the panel Regional Cooperation in a Globalized World: what are the new opportunities?, a parallel event of T20 Brazil, promoted by the Brazilian Centre for International Relations (Cebri). Dedicated to discussing ways of revitalising hemispheric cooperation – linking it to the need for a renewed multilateral system, with an emphasis on challenges and opportunities such as environmental security, energy transition and democratic governance – the panel also included the participation of Anthony Pereira (LACC-FIU), Gabriela Hoberman (LACC-FIU), Gustavo Martinez (CARI) and Martín Redrado (LACC-FIU).

Coordinated by Cebri, together with the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) and the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (Funag), Think 20 Brazil is an engagement group that brings together research centres and think tanks from the countries that make up the G20, with the aim of producing, debating, consolidating and presenting ideas on how to tackle current and emerging challenges that can be addressed during the 19th G20 Summit, scheduled for 18 and 19 November 2024.
