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Labmundo researcher participates in Globo New’s tv program, ‘Sem Fronteiras’

Labmundo researcher, Pablo Saturnino Braga, participated in the program “Sem Fronteiras” on 3 May, where there was a discussion on the topic:” The elections in South Africa”.

Labmundo researcher interviewed by “O Povo”

The Labmundo researcher Murilo Gomes da Costa was interviewed by O Povo, this october, 18th. In the article he speaks about the Army’s place in Brasil by each candidate to the

Labmundo researcher interviewed by Reuters

Labmundo Researcher, Pablo Saturnino Braga was interviewed by Reuters, about Brazil’s crisis and the elections.

Labmundo researcher interviewed by e-Global (Portugal)

Timóteo Saba M’Bunde’s Interview to Portuguese website “e-Global”(Portugal): “Com Bolsonaro, A Politica Externa Brasileira para Africa sofrerá uma rutura radical”

Labmundo researcher interviewed by portuguese agency Lusa

In an interview with Lusa, the author of “Brazilian and Chinese foreign policies for Guinea-Bissau”, Timóteo M’bunde said he believed that China and Brazil “have their interests on the African

Carlos Milani’s interview to portuguese newspaper “Diário de Notícias”

Carlos Milani was interviewed by the portuguese newspaper “Diário de Notícias”.

Labmundo researcher participates at a round table in Rede Minas

Magno Klein, Labmundo’s Researcher participated at a round table, that interviewed the economist Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr, during last edition of the show “Voz Ativa” of “Rede Minas”.

Labmundo’s researcher at Al Jazeera

Magno Klein, a member of Labmundo and professor at Unilab/BA, was interviewed by the Al Jazeera network about the Brazilian participation in the BRICS Forum.

Vídeo: Entevista ao COLMEX

O professor Carlos Milani, coordenador do Latitude Sul e do Labmundo, deu uma entrevista para o canal do El Colegio de México. Confira!

De volta ao Brasil

O Professor Doutor Carlos Milani (IESP/UERJ), coordenador do Laboratório de Política Internacional (LABMUNDO- antena Rio) em sua passagem por Paris tendo em vista, o Seminário Internacional Poder e Influência: a
