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LABMUNDO researcher publishes book on African regional integration

Labmundan political scientist Murilo Gomes da Costa is launching a collection of articles entitled ‘Continent in Transformation: Africa's Regional Integration Processes’.

Labmundo and Sciences Po have offered an international course on thematic cartography

As a result of the partnership between LABMUNDO and Sciences Po (Paris), a Thematic Cartography course was offered to researchers from Latitude Sul platform groups.

Director of Labmundo participates in round-table on Brazilian Foreign Policy and International Cooperation in a course organized by CEBRI

The LABMUNDO Dictor, Carlos R. S. Milani, participates on November 28, 2019 of the event “Perspectives on Brazilian Economy and Society”, organized by the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI).

Sciences Po and Labmundo renews the course “Global Space: France-Brazil Perspectives”

In its second year of implementation, cooperation between Sciences Po and LABMUNDO renews the course “Global space: France-Brazil perspectives”, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) available on the Coursera platform

Course Geopolitics: new theoretical and methodological perspectives

Latitude Sul’s plataform and Netsal will offer the course “Geopolitics: New Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives”. The course will be taught by Professor Heriberto Cairo of the Faculty of “Facultad de

Lançamento do curso online (MOOC) Espaço mundial: perspectivas França-Brasil

O Laboratório de Analise Política Mundial, que integra a plataforma Latitude Sul, tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) intitulado “Espaço Mundial: perspectivas França-Brasil”.
