On 7 October, LABMUNDO had the joy of marking the publication of its newest collective book, Foreign Policy, Authoritarian Leadership and Ultraconservatism (Appris Editora, 2024), at our headquarters at IESP-UERJ.
On 7 October, LABMUNDO will team up with the OIMC and Plataforma CIPÓ to hold the panel discussion ‘Climate emergency and Brazilian foreign policy in debate’ at IESP-UERJ.
In June 2024, labmundan researcher Beatriz Triani had the opportunity to attend the UN June Meetings on Climate Change, held between the 3rd and 13th in Bonn (Germany).
On June 8, LABMUNDO researcher Emanuel Semedo took part as one of the guest speakers at the panel discussion “Building parachutes: what's up to us in the face of the
O LABMUNDO participa do projeto IESP nas eleições e, nesta semana, seu coordenador, Carlos R. S. Milani, gravou um vídeo sobre a importância do debate público sobre política externa durante
O projeto “IESP nas Eleições” tem como objetivo oferecer uma plataforma de produção de análises e de dados sobre o pleito eleitoral de 2018. A iniciativa parte de um grupo de professores