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LABMUNDO takes part in inter-institutional seminar with researchers from the University of Colima

On 13 November, LABMUNDO researchers took part in an international seminar with the Estudios Sociopolíticos Contemporáneos group from the University of Colima.

LABMUNDO coordinator attends T20 Brazil side event

On 8 November, Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani took part in the panel ‘Regional cooperation in the Americas: Where are the new opportunities?’, organised by Cebri.

LABMUNDO receives Janis Van Der Westhuizen at IESP-UERJ

On 28 October 2024, the LABMUNDO team will have the pleasure of welcoming Prof Janis Van Der Westhuizen (University of Stellenbosch).

LABMUNDO presents new collective book at event with CIPÓ and OIMC

On 7 October, LABMUNDO had the joy of marking the publication of its newest collective book, Foreign Policy, Authoritarian Leadership and Ultraconservatism (Appris Editora, 2024), at our headquarters at IESP-UERJ.

LABMUNDO participates in the XII ALACIP International Congress in Lisbon

Between 17 and 20 July 2024, LABMUNDO researchers Hugo Bras Martins da Costa and Leandro C. D. Conde took part in the 12th Congress of the Latin American Political Science Association (ALACIP), held at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE - Portugal).

LABMUNDO researcher speaks at Cecierj Foundation’s Environment Week

On June 8, LABMUNDO researcher Emanuel Semedo took part as one of the guest speakers at the panel discussion “Building parachutes: what's up to us in the face of the climate crisis”, which closed Cecierj's Environment Week.

LABMUNDO present at ISA 2024, in San Francisco

Three LABMUNDO researchers took part in panels and meetings at the annual convention of the International Studies Association (ISA) in San Francisco between 3 and 6 April this year.

LABMUNDO coordinator presents closing lecture at CONRI 2023

On 30 September 2023, our coordinator Prof. Rubens de S. Duarte was the guest speaker at the end of the II National Congress on International Relations (CONRI).

Lecture: between scientific diagnosis and political negotiations: how the UN produces its statistics

ABMUNDO invites everyone to the lecture by Dr Benoît Martin, a researcher from Sciences Po (Paris), about the production and collection of empirical data and political influence.

Labmundo coordinator gives lecture at Clermont-Auvergne University

Carlos R. S. MIlani gave a lecture and gave an open class at the Université Clermont-Auvergne School of Law. The lecture was on “The Brazil of Bolsonaro: from national to international” and the open lecture dealt with the role of emerging countries in building international standards.
