On 7 October, LABMUNDO will team up with the OIMC and Plataforma CIPÓ to hold the panel discussion ‘Climate emergency and Brazilian foreign policy in debate’ at IESP-UERJ.
On November 20th and 21st, LABMUNDO coordinator Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani participated in the colloquium Ocean Regions in an Era of Global Transformation“, organized by Prof. Maxi Shoeman at the University of Pretoria (South Africa).
LABMUNDO organises a seminar with the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME) and the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (UNILAB).
Latitude Sul and the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the State University of Rio de Janeiro invite everyone to the International Seminar “Southern Regional Powers in a Changing Global Order”, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, on the 9th and 10th of September 2019.
During the 30th and 31st, the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) hosted the “LABMUNDO Seminar: Development and Foreign Policy in the South Geopolitical”.
On the occasion of the “LABMUNDO Seminar: Development and Foreign Policy in the Geopolitical South”, there will be a book launch and a seminar. Complete information is provided on the event poster.
During the 30th and 31st, the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) will host the “LABMUNDO Seminar: Development and Foreign Policy in the South Geopolitical”.
Under the CAPES PRINT project “Foreign Policy, Regionalism and International Cooperation”, the LABMUNDO coordinator, Prof. Carlos Milani, participated in the international seminar “The Many Births of International Relations” at the University of Leiden