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Seminário Labmundo: Política Externa Brasileira, coalizões políticas e integração regional: de Lula a Bolsonaro (2003-2021)”

The book "Brazilian foreign policy and Unasur: Geopolitics and expansion of Brazilian capitalism in South America" analyzes the tension between the political and economic dimension of Brazilian foreign policy in the first decade of the 21st century.

The Geopolitical South in International Relations Research Agendas – 2nd Edition

LABMUNDO organises a seminar with the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME) and the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (UNILAB).

Labmundo Resenhas 001

View this post on Instagram Uma publicação compartilhada por LABMUNDO (@labmundo_) Primeiro episódio da série “Labmundo Resenhas” com a apresentação do artigo publicado pelos pesquisadores Carlos R. S. Milani e
